The call for nomination closes on 12th March 2021 More details
Election announcement APAMT – 2021
Dear Members of APAMT, We hope that everyone is doing well despite the current Covid-19 outbreak. As there was no AGM in 2020, we are now writing to inform you that the following Board Members have completed their term on 31 December 2020 after having served their four-years appointment. Click here for more
18th APAMT 2019 – 1st Notice
18th Scientific Congress of Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology will be held on 04th to 07th November 2019 at Purajaya, Malaysia. Save the date!!!
Notice to active regular members of APAMT
Nomination for president-elect and Board members is now OPEN !!! The elections for the next APAMT President-elect (2019-2020) and 2 Board Member (2019-2022) will be held in the second half of 2018. Nomination will close on 30 July 2018. Please email [email protected] for nomination forms and other detail.
APAMT Annual Membership Subscription – 2018
Dear APAMT Member, The concession period to pay the annual membership fee for year 2018 will be over by 05th February 2018. After the deadline, the new membership rates will be applied as below. Regular developed world before February 5th, 2018: $225 and after Februaafter February 05th , 2018: $250 Regular Lower Income countries rate (usual list applies) – before February … Continue Reading »
Abstract Submission Deadlines Extended – 16th APAMT congress
Dear APAMT Member, We are happy to inform you, the deadlines of 16th APAMT congress, Kandy, Sri Lanka has extended as below, General abstract submission – 11th September 2017 Abstract submission for travel scholarship – Closed Submit your abstract soon. For more details please visit We look forward to welcome you to Pearl of … Continue Reading »
38th Intl Congress of the EAPCCT, Bucharest (Romania), 22 to 25 May 2018
Dear APAMT member, Since the Basel Congress in May, the EAPCCT Scientific and Meetings Committee have started the planning process for the scientific content of the 38th International EAPCCT Congress which will be held in Bucharest from 22 to 25 May 2018. We are pleased to inform you that the following congress themes are being … Continue Reading »
Bid to host the 18th APAMT meeting in 2019
Dear Fellow Member, The APAMT would like to invite interested parties to submit their bids to host the association’s 18th Annual Scientific Meeting in 2019. A written proposal for the purpose will be required and must include the following information. 1. Proposed dates for the conference (preferably in November 2019) 2. Proposed conference venue 3. … Continue Reading »
APAMT 2017 : Calling for Abstracts- SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT TODAY !!!
Dear APAMT Member, We are pleased to inform you that organisation is well underway for the 16th APAMT Scientific Congress to be held at Grand Kandyan Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka. It will be held from 7th – 10th November 2017 and the theme of the conference is “Translation of toxicology evidence into practice.” We invite you to attend and … Continue Reading »
North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology – 2017
Dear Members, The 2017 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT) is to be held in Vancouver, Canada 11-15th October. APAMT has been invited to present a symposium at this meeting which is an excellent opportunity to showcase the clinical issues and research of our society and region. We are currently developing the theme of this … Continue Reading »